Shmi's Forever Home -Adopted July 23, 2008

Shmi’s world wind recovery has landed her in her new forever home. While she very much liked her foster parents, she could not wait to see her new digs and adoptive family. So much so, she has even changed her name in preparation for her bright and loving future. Shmi is now Kevlar. Bullet proof and fancy free. Although first reports from Shmi, err Kevlar’s new home were of shyness and apprehension, she has really come out of her shell. There is a new Sheriff in town and Kelvar is putting her house in order. She wants to send a meow out to all those who have helped her along her way. The support, assistance and prayers she received from the IAR community and friends will always be remembered. Kevlar would not be where she is today without you.

And here’s to Kevlar. A true success story. Best of wishes in your new adventures!! Stay Safe.

Shmi Update 4/21/08

Wow, it has been some time since my Foster parents have updated this thing. When you want something done….gees. As you know, I have found freedom, freedom from my confined little world. Captivity was just torture. Shmi was not meant for a cage. Shmi was meant to explore, to see and be seen. And there is a lot for me to see and say. I had so much energy bottled up inside, that all I wanted to do was run. I ran so much I could have played Forrest Gump….yes, I watched too much television. What was a girl to do all day in a cage, knit? I enjoy every room in the house, but being able to look outside is always the best place to be. Who needs animal planet when you can watch the world go by from your favorite window? Couple that with how funny humans act and look, you got true reality TV. But you know what can make things better, a forever home. I am still waiting for someone to adopt me. The phone lines are open folks, what are you waiting for? Won’t you open up your heart and home for a loving Shmi?

3/30/08 Freedom.

Two and a half months of crate confinement. Seventy-seven days stuck behind bars with life passing me by. What once brought me anguish is now behind me. Thursday (3/27) I was finally given the best news I have received in some time, freedom. My bones healing exactly the way the Vets thought. Now, the consensus was here, unrestricted, unconditional, freedom. I am now free to move about my foster home, frolic with my housemates, explore uncharted territory and catch up on me just being me. I have so much energy to release. I think cabin fever set in after day 1. I mean really, watching animal planet can only keep my interest for so long you know. I was able to get out to a couple of adoption events this month. I look forward to getting out to more in the coming weeks. Will I see you there? Will I find my new adopted family? Stay tuned.

Weekly Update 3-07-08

Poor, poor Shmi. This crate confinement is really getting her down. She longs to finally be free of her imprisonment. The larger crate was nice for a couple of days. She enjoyed the extra square footage, but cabin fever is setting in. Although the video really does not show it, she normally cries to get out as soon as we enter the room. Once out for her stretch, Shmi will run around to expend pent up energy. We granted her TV privileges, specifically Animal Planet, but I think it may be giving her wild ideas. Most notably, after one primate documentary, she was jumping around all over the place. Either she was getting excited or she wanted me to get in trouble with the vet regarding limitations on her mobility. We might have to tone it down and just have her watch C-SPAN all day. We are slowly introducing our brood. She seems to really enjoy their company. She is curious about what life might be like not only outside the crate, but also out in the general population. Only a couple more weeks left, and she will be able to find out. Just hang in there Shmi.

Shmi's Six Week Checkup

Last Thursday was Shmi's 6 week evaluation by the Vet. Dr. Kirch's team at the Cat Hospital of Durham took new radiographs of Shmi's leg (see images). Dr. Clary, Shmi's orthopedic surgeon, assessed the current condition of her right leg. The conclusion-- implant is stable but union is not yet complete so 4 to 5 more weeks of crate confinement. Shmi was a little upset by this news (she had her hopes set on cell-block freedom!). Alas--it seems she will be confined for the full 10 weeks post-op suggestion. Dr. Clary did say she could move into new digs--a larger crate. We are moving her in tonight. Shmi seems very excited as she will have 12 additional inches separating her from the litter box! Dr. Clary said that the condition of Shmi's muscle mass indicates that she has good limb usage at this time. Between you and me--that's an understatement! Check out her new video!

Upcoming Vet checkup.

Shmi will be going in for her 6-week, post surgery check up later this week. She is looking forward to it, in hopes that she may abandon the crate for good. Besides, she really doesn't like to have the litter box next to her all the time. Really, who could blame her anyway? Shmi gets along very well on her reconstructed leg. She is raring to play and frankly it is hard to keep her from not doing so. Shmi is still a kitten at heart. She loves company and already has claimed several toys as her own. More to come after getting the update from the Vet.

Shmi's fan mail

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Since today is a celebration of love I wanted to take a moment to express my love for all of my loyal supporters. My operation could not have happened without you and for that I am grateful. I would like to send a personal message of thanks to Liz Shelton and Stephen Nance (see letter below) who opened their hearts to me during my time of great need even though they were grieving the loss of their beloved cat, Ivan. Their support proves that although my femur was fractured because of human cruelty there are still many wonderful people (Animal Lovers and Protectors) in the world. So let me say thanks to you all once again for giving me a second chance at life. In honor of Valentine's Day please consider opening your heart to a homeless pet by visiting your local shelter or come by Pet Smart at Patterson Place this Saturday from 1-5 pm to meet my IAR compatriots.
